Testing dried Mango

Since our 4 years in Vietnam we love Mango! And here in Germany we mostly turned to dried Mango - and have fresh mango on exceptional occasions…

As we eat lots of them, I decided to run a test: I ordered 6 different types of dried Mango and we had them tested and ranked by all family members and by friends too.

So here is the result in a nutshell:

Our test results

The winner was: Kamelur 1kg BIO Mango getrocknet, ungeschwefelt und ungezuckert - getrocknete Mango (dried mango) ohne Zucker-Zusatz

Note that in further tests not everybody liked the Kamelur Mangostreifen as much as we did: They are a bit sour and so another cluster of mango lovers concentrated on the howa Mangos:

Note: All Mango candidates were ordered at amazon, so this is also our source of prices.

Have fun with Mangos, Till.